September 1985, I purchased a Kenwood TS-430S and became more active in amateur radio. In the apartment where I was living, I snuck wires out of a second floor window and began to make contacts.
In October, I got the notion to try some Radio Teletype (RTTY). I built a demodulator using a circuit I've forgotten. Perhaps it used a couple of NE567 chips. Having a demodulator, I needed to translate the five-level Baudot characters into ASCII that I could display on the terminal.
(I purchased a Wyse 85 VT-220 emulator terminal in August of 1985, so I was no longer constrained by the 64x16 screen and 1200 bps limitations of the CT-64)
RTTY Decoder
I wrote a program for Flex09 to decode 45 Baud RTTY by bit-banging a PIA pin. I couldn't use the MC6850 ACIA, because it does not support 5 bit characters.
A delay loop established character timing:
Each pass through the loop consumes 8 clock cycles. With the right value loaded in X, fairly precise timings could be accomplished. A value close to 250 would be 1 ms on a 2 MHz machine. By calling this loop repeatedly, timings of 11 and 22 ms are measured.
I connected the demodulator output to PIA Port B, pin 0. The program looks at this pin, waiting for a zero. Finding one, it calls the delay loop for 1 ms and checks again. If the pin is still zero, it waits 10 ms and checks Port B pin 0. A continued zero at this point indicates a start bit. The 11 ms total delay places us right in the middle of the start bit.
The next sequence waits 22 ms and then samples of value of Port B, pin 0. It does this five times. These samples are shifted into a byte value, which used to look up an ASCII character in one of two tables -- one for letters, and one for figures -- according to the shift mode. This character is then sent to the terminal, and we go back to waiting for a start bit.
The resulting program is about 300 bytes long. Despite the simplicity, I had little success decoding RTTY signals.
In hindsight, there are several reasons for this.
- Decoding signals off the air that might have been noisy.
- Demodulator circuit was completely untested and might not have worked.
- No experience with RTTY, so signals might not have been properly tuned.
- Precise value of the 1 ms time delay not known. I used values of 230 and 240, allowing cycles for other program logic.
At some point, I distinctly copied "RY RY RY RY RY RY RY" from someone, but not much else. Later, I figured out this meant my program, at least, was working.
Hardware Solution
In November 1986, I decided to use serial chip that could do five-level Baudot. The MC6850 only allows 7 and 8 bit characters, so I needed a different chip. The NS8250 could do 5, 6, 7 and 8 bit characters, and sports a programmable bit rate generator for all the common RTTY rates. Hence, I added an NS8250 UART to the baud-rate generator board.
Funny, though -- I never wrote software to use the NS8250. In February 1989, I removed the NS8250 and its associated circuitry.
I didn't become active in RTTY on the air until 2005, using Cocoamodem.
Compliments for early decoding software development for rtty signals :-). After cw the second huge digital mode